Saturday, December 31, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day on Pinto Path

I enjoyed a visit with my daughter Belinda this past week. We had a great time together (as always)! In honor of Veterans Day, flags were lined up along her street at the retirement community of Rio Concho West. What a great place to live!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy birthday, Belinda!

What a treat it was to share Belinda's birthday with my son, Rob this year!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sierra Vista UMC Bazaar

 What a treat it was today, a full day at the annual Sierra Vista UMC bazaar.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Wildlife at RCW

This afternoon, Charles was outside of my home, when a passing resident mentioned to him that she had just seen a fawn on the next street. Charles grabbed his camera and got close (but not too close) and took several nice pictures.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A summer day in Old Angelo

Summer is drawing to a close (officially, at least) so it was nice to be able to have another visit from Belinda and Charles.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fun in Angelo

We attended a fun luncheon at the home of our beading instructor, Sheri. The granddaughter of one of the ladies joined us. It was nice to have Michelle with us. Afterwards, the group worked on a variety of projects together. They always have a great time when we get together! In the evening, Belinda and I attended a luau at the RCW clubhouse. The food was delicious, and the fellowship was outstanding!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer days in San Angelo

Beading at RCW on the 1st
Having Belinda so close (only 110 miles west of San Angelo) has meant seeing her more often! It was nice to be able to share some of my life here in San Angelo (or Angelo, as the locals refer to it) with her.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Beading, beading, beading!

It is a treat having Belinda visit for a few days. Today is a busy day at Rio Concho West's clubhouse. They are going to the beading class in the afternoon and to a watermelon fest in the evening. It's a happening place at RCW!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Beading frenzy!

Yesterday Belinda and I visited the home of Sheri M. who is their beading instructor extraordinaire! They had loads of fun! After the class, they really enjoyed the special treat of homemade snow cones. They were oh, so yummy! (I am sporting "Fourth of July" beaded sunglasses: Very pretty, indeed!)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Former St. John's Hospital, San Angelo, TX

Yesterday, Belinda and I traveled to the site of the former St. John's Hospital in San Angelo, which the sisters of the Charity of the Incarnate Word established in the early 1900's. As it would happen, the San Angelo VA Clinic is directly opposite it. This is where Belinda has trained for her new job at the Odessa VA Clinic.

(Interesting that my last job before I retired was serving as the wedding administrator for the chapel of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio.)

Friday, April 29, 2011

A royal wedding

What a lovely day for a royal wedding! God bless Prince William and his bride Princess Catherine!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Belinda and took in the Rio Concho West's monthly birthday dinner tonight at the clubhouse. This monthly gathering honors the birthday-month honorees with great food and wonderful entertainment. It is always a fun time! Tonight we enjoyed the lovely music of young people from Central High's orchestra.

Afterwards, they enjoyed another rousing game of Scrabble, with them scoring in excess of 200 points each! Wow!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Scrabble mania

Belinda and I enjoyed a rousing game of Scrabble tonight. With both scoring in excess of 200 points each!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hello, Belinda!

The windy conditions this week was a bother but that didn't stop Belinda and Charles from making their way to San Angelo!   Belinda and I enjoyed a restful evening with her mother back in San Angelo. Charles reported that the drive back to McCamey was relaxing in the "new" car and that he only spotted one deer en route!